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Donate Today

We are a volunteer-run charitable organization in our community, we rely on you.

Donations are graciously accepted. There are many ways you can donate to Elk Valley Hospice through financial support, offering professional services, equipment, facilities, and sponsorships. Donations by cheque, cash, e-transfers and credit (using the Zeffy link below) are accepted.

Please address cheques to Elk Valley Hospice and send via mail to Elk Valley Hospice, PO Box 670 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0.

Please send e-transfers to: Please include your full name, postal address and email for tax receipt purposes.  

If you would like to make a cash donation please contact our Coordinator at or phone (250) 423-4453 Ext. 38109 to organize collection or drop-off. 

Receipts which will be issued for donations of $20.00 or more or upon request.