Welcome to Elk Valley & Area Hospice
No one shall die or grieve alone.

About us
Elk Valley & Area Hospice is a non-profit organization with group of dedicated, passionate , trained volunteers serving the communities of the Elk Valley & South Country.

We offer FREE support for those facing an end-of-life experience, their families and loved ones, as well as bereavement companioning.

Get involved
Volunteers and donors are the heart of the Elk Valley & Area Hospice. We have many opportunities for you to make a difference in our community.
It is not the years in your life, but the life in your years that count – Adele Stevenson
Elk Valley & Area Hospice
PO Box 670
Fernie, BC
V0B 1M0
Phone: 250 423 4453 Ext 38109
Email: elkvalleyhospice@gmail.com