No one has to die or grieve alone
Elk Valley & Area Hospice provides confidential and free supports for those dying and grieving. We aim to normalize death, dying and grieving through community education and end-of-life and bereavement companionship by trained volunteers.
Living while Dying
We honour each individual’s needs and provide compassionate companionship for those facing advanced illness and death. We are present and engaged and personalize our offerings to enhance an individual’s life until the time of death.
We work collaboratively with healthcare providers, community partners, family and loved ones, and the individual to enhance their end-of-life care and comfort and to provide support throughout the bereavement journey.
Respect for Family
Family are valued, supported, and included during their loved one’s end-of-life journey. We are mindful of their values, choices, spiritual needs, and traditions. We provide support through the bereavement process.
Education and Training
We prioritize and value ongoing education and training to support volunteers and to ensure quality end-of-life and bereavement companioning. We engage Elk Valley residents in conversations and education about end-of-life and bereavement care.

You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life.
We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die. – Dame Cicely Saunders